Playing Tag
The email read: "YOU'VE BEEN TAGGED! If you haven't already done so, answer the following on your blog! Thanks for playing along!"
Here were the questions:
1. One book that changed your life:
2. One book that you've read more than once:
3. One book you'd want on a desert island:
4. One book that made you laugh:
5. One book that made you cry:
6. One book you wish had been written:
7. One book you wish had never been written:
8. One book you're currently reading:
9. One book you've been meaning to read:
10. Tag five others:
So here are my answers...
1. One book that changed your life: “Living Faith” (Jimmy Carter)
2. One book that you've read more than once: I usually don’t do such things, but I’ll say “The Giver” (Lois Lowry)
3. One book you'd want on a desert island: “A Practical Guide to Shipbuilding” (old C. S. Lewis joke!)
4. One book that made you laugh: “Bird by Bird” (or anything else by Anne Lamott)
5. One book that made you cry: “The Five People You Meet in Heaven” (Mitch Albom)
6. One book you wish had been written: “Why I’m an Al Sturgeon Fan” (by Jesus Christ)
7. One book you wish had never been written: “Achieving Your Dreams” (by Jerry Falwell)
8. One book you're currently reading: “The Powers That Be” (Walter Wink)
9. One book you've been meaning to read: “A Pilgrim at Tinker Creek” (Annie Dillard)
10. Tag five others:
#10 is where I have trouble. Most of the "blog folks" I know either are on this blog or have already been tagged. I'm going to tag three folks PLUS encourage everyone here to respond to the questions on the comment board if they have time... Maybe that qualifies...
I'm tagging:
* Troy Gramling
* Mystique Free
* Larry James
Plus all of you!!!
Here were the questions:
1. One book that changed your life:
2. One book that you've read more than once:
3. One book you'd want on a desert island:
4. One book that made you laugh:
5. One book that made you cry:
6. One book you wish had been written:
7. One book you wish had never been written:
8. One book you're currently reading:
9. One book you've been meaning to read:
10. Tag five others:
So here are my answers...
1. One book that changed your life: “Living Faith” (Jimmy Carter)
2. One book that you've read more than once: I usually don’t do such things, but I’ll say “The Giver” (Lois Lowry)
3. One book you'd want on a desert island: “A Practical Guide to Shipbuilding” (old C. S. Lewis joke!)
4. One book that made you laugh: “Bird by Bird” (or anything else by Anne Lamott)
5. One book that made you cry: “The Five People You Meet in Heaven” (Mitch Albom)
6. One book you wish had been written: “Why I’m an Al Sturgeon Fan” (by Jesus Christ)
7. One book you wish had never been written: “Achieving Your Dreams” (by Jerry Falwell)
8. One book you're currently reading: “The Powers That Be” (Walter Wink)
9. One book you've been meaning to read: “A Pilgrim at Tinker Creek” (Annie Dillard)
10. Tag five others:
#10 is where I have trouble. Most of the "blog folks" I know either are on this blog or have already been tagged. I'm going to tag three folks PLUS encourage everyone here to respond to the questions on the comment board if they have time... Maybe that qualifies...
I'm tagging:
* Troy Gramling
* Mystique Free
* Larry James
Plus all of you!!!
Good job, Al. Always interesting to know books you're spending time with.
Thanks for the tag - I responded in my blog. :)
1. John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath
2. Ian McEwan, Atonement
3. How to Get Off a Desert Island in 21 Days or Less
4. John Crowley, Little, Big
5. John Crowley, Little, Big
6. Martin Luther King, A Guide for the Perplexed
7. William Kennedy, Roscoe
8. Eric Csapo, Theories of Mythology
9. Cobra II
I'd like to revise my #7. Although Kennedy's novel is truly awful, it has had no impact on anything. So instead of it, I'd like to say:
7. The entire collected works of Ayn Rand and Leo Strauss.
As expected, I've heard of ONE of the "real" books Juvenal cites.
Really? I would've thought 1 and 9 were familiar titles. McEwan's novel soon will be, since it's being made into a movie as we speak.
Not #9. "Grapes of Wrath" is about it for me.
Is Leo Strauss kin to Levi?
So far as I know, Leo Strauss is related to neither Levi Strauss, denim magnate, nor Claude Levi-Strauss, structuralism potentate (threw that one in for you, Mikey).
However, Leo is to neoconservatism as Levi is to dungarees and Claude is to structuralism.
Nice list, mystique.
1. The Ways of White Folks (Langston Hughes)
2. Me Talk Pretty One Day (David Sedaris)
3. Desert Island Survival for Dummies
4. Dress Your Family in Denim and Corduroy (Sedaris)
5. The Relentless Tenderness of Jesus (Brennan Manning)
6. This Book Will Make Terry Austin Rich, Famous and Handsome (Terry Austin)
7. Left Behind (oh, just pick one)
8. Adobe GoLive CS2: Classroom in a Book (Boring Sadist)
9. Ethical Ambition (Derrick Bell)
Thanks for the shout out of Levi-Strauss, JU, as structuralist potentates don't get nearly enough coverage these days.
My list:
1. Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath (made me change my major to English and go to grad school).
2. Jeffrey Eugenides, Middlesex.
3. David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest.
4. David Foster Wallace, Brief Interviews with Hideous Men. (Being adapted to film right now starring "Jim" from The Office.)
5. Slavomir Rawicz, The Long Walk.
6. Some sort of series "for Dummies." I think that would have been great. Either that or a series involving chicken soup for someone's soul. I tried to sell these ideas to some publishers, but no luck.
7. Anything by D.H. Lawrence.
8. DBC Pierre, Ludmila's Broken English.
9. Vladimir Nabokov, Pale Fire.
I didn't know Pierre had a new book out. Or is that an old one?
Pale Fire left me nonplussed. The main thing I got out of it was confirmation that Nabokov really did hate a lot of his characters quite intensely.
The Relentless Tenderness of Jesus (Brennan Manning)
I want to read that one too.
You may have read it a few years ago. I believe it was called "Lion & Lamb" in its original release, either in the '70s or '80s.
The Pierre is new, JU. I think it came out a month or so ago. I still haven't read his first one, although it's on my list. This one is good, in a weird way.
"Word Verification for Dummies!" That's classic, Whitney!
(BTW, for Whitney and all other fans of my oldest daughter, we moved her off to college yesterday at USM! Nobody cried, but it was still weird.)
Cool! Although, last time I saw her, I think she was, like . . . 10?
Congrats, Al. I'm with JU, though, as I haven't seen her in many a year. Whitney -- you should ask for a pay raise for reading the _Essentials of Statistics_ book. So glad I'm in the Humanities and not the Sciences.
It does feel a bit strange.
The first thing I noticed was when I pulled into the driveway last night I was trying to figure out who needed to park where, then I remembered that won't be a problem anymore.
And then today, I get our new auto insurance cards out, and then remember, well I guess I'll have to mail Erica's to her...
Weird stuff.
I'll email you Erica's e-address. It's the old one for now - maybe she'll get around to a new college one soon.
I love my word verification: firkgn
Sounds like a Terry Austin euphemism.
Enjoyed reading your list Big Owl.
I've been on vacation, and prior to that very frustrated with work. I promise a post on the substance of my frustrations in the near future -- I need advice, people. And Xanax, but advice will do.
I fear I am not nearly as erudite as you all and that my list will sound trite and pedestrian. Sigh. But anyway ...
1. Wow -- too many of these to name. Probably The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolf would fit into this category. Faces at the Bottom of the Well by Derrick Bell. Toward a Feminist Theory of the State by Catharine MacKinnon. Guns Germs and Steel might be in this category. Oh, this one for sure -- Killers of the Dream by Lillian Smith. Probably many others but I'm not in front of my bookshelves at home.
2. When I was a child I read Heidi like a hundred times. As an adult, the only books I reread are some historical fiction novels I am far too ashamed to name. But I will say that some of them were made into a miniseries in the 80s starring Patrick Swayze. :)
3. (can't think of anything witty, so skipping this one)
4. Just got this one the other day -- Overheard in New York. It's a website too where people submit things they overhear( Hilarious. Does have explicit language, however. I heart NY.
5. I agree with Whitney -- Marley & Me (that would also qualify for 4). I was on the floor in a fetal position after that one. I cannot deal with the thought of one of my beloved kitties dying.
6. How To Get Through Each Day When Your Job Is Sucking All the Joy From Your Life.
7. definitely with you guys on the Left Behind books (gag). also with JU on Ayn Rand. plus everything by Ann Coulter and the sixteen other blond conservative women who are trying to be her, and everything by Christina Hoff Summers. for starters.
8. Stephanie Coontz, A History of Marriage
9. The Looming Tower (which sounds fascinating). that's just one of about 30.
I missed you, Sandi!!!! Glad you're back around - much more exciting when you're here...
In case you all missed it, Larry James responded to my tag, too (as did my new friend, Mystique!). In the past couple of days, a lot of folks are trying to talk Larry into running for mayor of Dallas. You ought to check it out! (link on this original post)
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