Photo of the Week

CONCEPT: This new column each Saturday in Desperate Houseflies will feature an amateur picture taken by either yours truly or one of our loyal readers. Amateur photography has become one of my many hobbies, and I thought this would be a fun topic for our readers who prefer books with pictures in them.
THE PHOTO: This photo is one of my all-time favorites. I took it in Cade's Cove last summer on our family vacation to the Smoky Mountains. This beautiful deer decided to strike a pose at just the right time.
THE CAMERA: Although its a couple of years old now (so woefully behind), my digital pictures are taken with a Minolta Dimage S414 with 4.0 megapixels.
TALK TO ME: I'd be happy to hear any comments, advice, or even suggestions of pictures you'd like for me to try to get. I love the challenge of a photographic scavenger hunt! I'd even be happy to entertain submissions from you guys for a Photo of the Week. I can guarantee that my friend, Dr. David Watson, who is a great photographer, will be featured from time to time. Anyone interested can submit pictures to me at
LINK: To view all of my favorites from my personal collection, visit
I love that picture, Al. As you know, I hope one day to live in that part of the country. It is so peaceful (once you get away from the tourist attractions!). Thanks for sharing that with us.
Great picture Al. Cant wait to put some of mine up here and maybe give a little advice and tips on different photography subjects.
Al, one of the many great aspects of my time in Bishkek was interacting with world-class photojournalists. I had no idea how photography or a single photo can so many intracacies.
I have little to no qualifications for photo critique, but really enjoy reading the critiques at -- As a registered user (which I'm not) one can submit photos and gain detailed and (sometimes) professional critiques of your lighting, shutter speed, F-stop, ISO, etc., etc. . .
Can't wait to see more!
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