Desperate Houseflies: The Magazine

Feel free to pull out your trusty fly swatter and comment on what is posted here, realizing that this odd collection of writers may prove as difficult to kill as houseflies and are presumably just as pesky. “Desperate Houseflies” is a magazine that intends to publish weekly articles on subjects such as politics, literature, history, sports, photography, religion, and no telling what else. We’ll see what happens.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Moving Forward

Some of you may remember that there was an unpleasant incident on this blog a little over a month ago that I unfortunately and unwittingly caused. I shared my story of having had an abortion a few years ago, and one of the responses on the comment board completely sent me over the edge. In retrospect, I probably overreacted slightly, although the response in question was harsh and unkind. But at the time I also thought that my reaction (my e-mail to Al) would be private – i.e., that only my husband, close friends, and Al would know about it. I’m not upset with Al for making it public, necessarily, just pointing out that I didn’t expect that.

Time has passed, I kept posting, but now no one will engage anything I write, probably for fear that I will sic Al on them again. (smiley face) Or maybe no one finds my stuff engaging, who knows. But I wanted to just say that I hope people take something from my rambles, and should feel free to challenge me or ask questions. I’ve tried to be present on the comment boards to facilitate that, and I have been impressed with the respectfulness of the conversations I have been part of. The internet, unfortunately, often frees people to say things that they wouldn’t say to someone face to face. I mostly see that in other forums and only occasionally here. But I recognize the difference between reasoned debate and personal attack, and I have no problem engaging in reasoned debate.

Okay, now that we’ve gotten that out of the way ... I will try to get another post up today or tomorrow.


Blogger DeJon Redd said...

Thanks for sticking it out, Sandi. I look forward to your perspective...

1:46 PM  

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